My History In Roller Skating
I’ve been artistic Roller Skating since I was 17. I skated a handful of times when I was kid when my parents took me to our local rink but never really skated until I…
I was feeling off one day because of a combination of allergies, all the smoke from fires in the area and eating somewhat crappy over the weekend (too much sugar and cheese) but still…
Balance – The Key To Everything
My wife had already discovered the first part of what I wanted to teach her, but there was more than that. When I took martial arts and learned jiujitsu, there were two things that…
Exercise 1 – Standing on one foot
We don’t practice or understand balance enough with life, and then we take the crazy notion and strap some wheels to our feet and tell ourselves to go do stuff. This very reason is…
Exercise 2 – Standing on one foot in skates
You will do the same thing as the exercise one but this time with skates on, preferably on a carpet where the wheels cannot roll. Repeat the same exercise by standing on one foot…
Exercise 3 – Skating on one foot on the floor
Once you are comfortable standing on one foot off skates and in skates, it’s time to take what you’ve learned on the skating rink floor. Begin skating on two feet at a moderate speed,…
Exercise 4 – Skating stable and skating fast
You can learn a lot from speed skating about skating fast and skating stable. By all means, I’m not trying to make anyone a speed skater if they don’t want to be but one…
Exercise 5 – Edges
The Outer Forward After getting your balance and stability forwards. Next, it’s time to work on edges on one foot. Start with the outer forward edge. Start skating at a moderate speed. Skate the…
Before Moving Forward!!!
My martial arts instructors used to tell us all the time that an advanced technique is nothing more than a well-executed basic technique. If you didn’t know how to do a simple punch or…
Post Still Under Construction Video and other notes coming soon! 3-turns are nothing more than one foot turns that you maintain control and balance on (and other turns). If you’ve gotten great balance on…